Friday, March 14, 2025
Fri • Mar. 14, 2025

About Us

What Makes Us Different from the Rest?

It's all about YOU appreciating the services we offer you! This is simply one of the reasons We Love What We Do!

Santana's Auto Detailing started in 1990 being so very passionate in what we love doing... making your automobile SHINE, as if you left the dealership that very day!

We first started out as only Father and Son's, then over the years we grew were we now employee anywhere from 5 to 8 employees who are hard workers with the same mindset as ours... "We Strive in Making Your Vehicle Look Truly Amazing!"

Over the years, since starting to wash vehicles full time, we've also advanced in all that auto wash industry is able to offer us. For example, the use of Clay Bar in removing so many harmful substances from the paint of the vehicle, allowing the vehicle to shine for as along as possible.

We also keep up with all different kind of soaps to use... yes, there are some soaps that could be harmful to your paint job...

Most importantly, We Love What We Do! To answer that question you are asking... YES! We do need to take a break from doing what we love every so often! A Simple get-a-way for the weekend, or a mini or full vacation, is all we need for recharging!

What also makes this so very rewarding are people such as yourselves! We cannot do this alone! We need people to do who also appreciate what we do as our service and TELL us they appreciate what we do... This to us is a Win, Win situation.

If you are still reading this, what are you waiting for? Call us today or check out our Weekly Business Locations to get your car washed!